Mindfulness Courses
Some research findings
Links and Resources
Book or Contact
Booking form
Indicates required field
First name
Last name
Street or PO Box No.
Confirm email
Preferred telephone / contact number
How did you find out about this course?
Word of mouth
Advertising flyers
Internet search
If other:
Course Dates 2019
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
When you attend a HeadRest course you will receive a number of emails. These include logistical information, course notes/home practices mp3s etc. You will also receive a newsletter which references mindfulness, research, tips, recordings and information about future courses. If you are booking a course these emails are an essential part of the course content. Of course, you can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.
I give HeadRest permission to send me the above emails
Do you have any comments or questions?
Minimum course numbers
If less than 10 people enrol in the course I may decide to not run the course. In this case I'll contact you at least 1 week prior to the course commencing. So far all evening courses have all run beginning in 2014. The morning course can be light on numbers. If you are interested enrol early to ensure the course takes off. Call me if you would like to discuss this
Day of Mindfulness only
The fee for the online Day of Mindfulness for returning students is $20.00. There is no fee if you are currently enrolled in a course or on a Centrelink benefit.
6-week MBSR refresher course
The fee for this course is $250.00. Please let me know if you require a subsidy to make attending affordable.
Monthly Practice Group.
The fee for all 3 classes is $75.00, $60.00 for 2 classes or $35.00 for individual classes.The concession price is is $35.00 for 3 classes or $15.00 per class.
To pay please deposit the required fee :
Tienne Simons
BSB: 313 140
Acc No: 12225427
When you deposit the money please send me an email
[email protected]
to let me know you have made the deposit. I'll be in touch soon after.
I look forward to meeting you in the course.
Tienne Simons