Mindfulness training & Counselling in Sydney's Inner west
Welcome, I'm Tienne Simons and I am the founder of HeadRest. HeadRest provides counselling/psychotherapy and mindfulness training to individuals and the community.
I established HeadRest in 2014 when I became convinced that the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction group program was a useful addition to individual counselling and in some cases more appropriate. Over the last 6 tears, we have offered 4-6 MBSR courses a year in Marrickville. I have a commitment to providing personalised affordable and accessible services and attempt where possible, to accommodate all income brackets. Please call if cost is an issue for you. ALL MINDFULNESS COURSES WILL BE ON HOLD UNTIL 2022. THE CLINICAL PRACTICE REMAINS OPEN IN 2021. |
Counselling Counselling and psychotherapy in our Marrickville rooms or by telehealth during COVID19. Medicare rebates available with GP referral and a MHTP. PSS provider for those under 26 and other eligible persons. SIRA Workers Comp provider. Mindfulness courses for all
Our mindfulness courses are on hold until 2022. I've been running courses consistently for 7 years and it's time for leave! Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction The gold-standard 8- week Mindfulness course for stress reduction. Living Compassionately With Mindfulness An annual 8-week course to cultivate compassion for MBSR grads. This will begin in August. Mindful Parenting Courses We run Mindful Parenting courses in community centres and schools. We also run NDIS groups. for parents of children with a disability or developmental delay. These groups run when we have a quorum of 5 and may be paid for through NDIS. Quarterly Day of Mindfulness
Once you have done a MBSR course you are welcome to return and join an online Day of Mindfulness. Refresh Your MBSR This will often run in Term 3 (August-Sept) instead of a practice group. 6 x 1.5 hours for anyone who has ever done an MBSR course. An Introduction to Mindfulness for Teachers A 2-hour NESA accredited workshop for proficient teacher PD Mindfulness for teachers- a 6-week in-school course A 6 x 1.5-hour NESA accredited in-school course for teachers' wellbeing Mindful students We teach mindfulness to students in short lessons that are then reinforced by your classroom teacher. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for teens (MBSR-Teens) An 6-8 week x 1.5-hour teens group program (MBSR-T) Mindful Parenting A 6-8 week x 1.5-hour group to support your parents Mindfulness in the Workplace We offer a 6-week program and an introductory workshop. Speak to us if you would like to tailor a program to your needs. |
From the blog.MBSR-on ABC Catalyst iviewABC Catalyst filmed an MBSR class in Sydney in late 2018 and this screened in early Feb. I was impressed to see how many personal stories and how much of the research they were able to cpature and present in just 1 hour. The courage and determination of the participants was humbling, and I found myself cheering them on throughout the program.
It's still on Iview and worth watching if you've done an MBSR course before or if you are contemplating one. I won’t give away too many spoilers but will share 2 things that stood out for me. It's still on Iview and worth watching if you've done an MBSR course before and if you are contemplating one. I won’t give away too many spoilers but will share 2 things that stood out for me. |